| 1. | Fees include use of the sitting room , one 6 person suite , all outdoor facilities 可使用客厅、六人套房及户外地方。 |
| 2. | Beside our many outdoor facilities our indoor facilities include 2 gym rooms , an art & crafts room , a ballet / dance room , a video room and a music room 另外,幼儿园还配有一个大型室内活动室,一个美术教室,一个舞蹈室,一个视频教室和一个雅马哈电子琴教室。 |
| 3. | There are many indoor and outdoor facilities , including a bird lake , banyan court and swimming pool , plus many local and international functions are regularly held here 由于设施多元化,所以已成为九龙区内最受欢迎的公园,亦是多项全港及国际性节目的举行地点。 |
| 4. | Outdoor facilities / lotus hill makes a special emphasis on its unique scenery locations where it ' s residents and visitors can enjoy mountain views , fresh air and sunshine 室外我们强调水莲拥有与自环境融合的九区十八景,让人充分享受都会人难得享有的青山绿水阳光,及纯净的空气。 |
| 5. | In respect of the outdoor facilities , the invitation for proposals requires the developer to plan for at least four open piazzas , which we believe will be suitable for xiqu and other performances 关于户外的场地,计划书内有要求发展商起码须规划4个露天广场,相信会适合如戏曲等演艺节目的演出。 |
| 6. | Helped the haven of hope sunnyside school in tseung kwan o build the first sensory garden in hong kong , to give mentally - handicapped students an outdoor facility that aids the development of sensory perception 协助将军澳灵实恩光学校兴建全港首个感官花园,为校内严重弱智学童提供一个课堂以外的户外治疗空间,改善他们的感觉能力。 |
| 7. | Until the end of this year . flexibility and choice the new service allows users to book a wide variety of sports facilities on - line 30 days in advance , including both indoor and outdoor facilities managed by lcsd , such as 透过此项服务,市民可即时于网上得知本港近120个康文署辖下的场地之租用情况,省却亲身到场馆办理租订手续的时间。 |
| 8. | The main playground outside is well equipped with a play castle , sandpit and various other outdoor facilities like fountains for water play in the summertime and includes protective underlay for the safety of the playing children 主操场上配备有大型游具,沙坑和其他多种户外游戏设施:如可以在夏天玩水的喷泉,确保孩子活动安全的塑胶跑道。 |